Coety Mountain, at 578m, is the highest hill in Blaenau Gwent, but has – like the other hills on this loop, an unmarked summit. You can walk to Coety Mountain on large tracks from a couple of different directions, but finding the highest point is just scrabbling around through heather until your phone shows you are near enough the marked point on OS maps to head back to the path.
By this point in the walk I was soaking wet, so had to resort to my phone camera to take photos as it is waterproof and my camera definitely is not. At this point I was not enjoying this walk at all. I was hoping the summit would be marked somewhere, but it was not.
One November a few years I ago I camped just below the top of Coety Mountain and woke up to freezing fog and a grim outlook, so I have not had the best of luck with this hill.
But that wild camping trip did get me one good photo before dark, as I neared the top of Coety Mountain.
At least this time I got to tick it off as a hill I’ve walked and also it is the highest boundary point in Blaenau Gwent, so I get to tick two off at the same time. I don’t think I’ll be back a third time.
Great write up. Looking to do this one in a few days.
Enjoy. It’s a good ridgeway walk but the summit is a bit of a heathery mess.