This 685m mountain is the ninth and final mountain on this challenging circular walk. We got there well after sunset so it was quite dark, but it was easy to follow a small path to the highest point.
In daylight the views would be extensive as it drops away nicely, the views on the approach are good as the top is well defined and interesting. As you can see from the photo above, you approach the mountain from Glasgwm by skirting to the right of the forest and then left, keeping the forest on your left and gently ascend the mountain.
Be warned that the route we then took back to the car was extremely arduous as although the fence – which is barbed wire – has a small section where the barbed wire has been removed and that allowed us to access the forest where we did, there is no path! We followed what seemed like a path but it was soon lost or ended and the terrain was wet, full of lumps and bumps, boggy and generally a nightmare with very tired legs.
We did eventually work our way to the forest track which was perfectly maintained and took us all the way back to the car without issues. It might be possible to pick up this track earlier if you head down to the fence at the nearest point to it, but I can’t say for sure as we didn’t try that.
This is the first mountain I don’t have any summit pictures of because it was too dark, but the summit had no markings or cairns that I could see.